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Le test Isilon 200-045 est l'un très improtant dans tous les tests de Certification Isilon, mais c'est toujours difficile à obtenir ce Certificat. La présence de Pass4Test est pour soulager les candidats. L'équipe de Pass4Test peut vous aider à économiser le temps et l'éffort. Vous pouvez passer le test sans aucune doute sous l'aide de notre Q&A.
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Code d'Examen: 200-045
Nom d'Examen: Isilon (Isilon Clustered Storage Professional Exam)
Questions et réponses: 70 Q&As
L'importance de la position de Certificat Isilon 200-045 dans l'industrie IT est bien claire pour tout le monde, mais c'est pas facile à obtenir ce Certificat. Il y a beaucoup de Q&As qui manquent une haute précision des réponses. Cependant, Pass4Test peut offrir des matériaux pratiques pour toutes les personnes à participer l'examen de Certification, et il peut aussi offrir à tout moment toutes les informations que vous auriez besoin à réussir l'examen Isilon 200-045 par votre première fois.
200-045 Démo gratuit à télécharger:
NO.1 Which of the following statements best describes the benefits of the file system journal in OneFS?
(Choose 1)
A.The file system journal is used for coalescing writes before committing them to disk.
B.The file system journal is used to store metadata about the file system in a reliable way.
C.The file system journal is used to permit multiple threads to commit writes to the same file.
D.The file system journal is used to ensure the consistency of the file system.
certification Isilon 200-045 examen 200-045 200-045 certification 200-045
NO.2 SyncIQ throttle limits can be applied on a per-replication policy basis. (True/False)
Isilon examen 200-045 examen 200-045 examen 200-045 200-045
NO.3 Which of the following best describes the expected behavior when attempting to add a node running
OneFS 4.5 to a cluster running OneFS 4.1? (Choose 1)
A.The node will be joined to the cluster.
B.You will be prompted to upgrade the cluster.
C.You will be prompted to either upgrade the cluster, or downgrade the node
D.You will be prompted to downgrade the node.
Isilon 200-045 200-045 200-045 200-045 200-045
NO.4 Which of the following statements best describe the use of SNMP with an Isilon cluster? (Choose 2)
A.The cluster can be configured via SNMP
B.The cluster can generate SNMP traps based on Alerts
C.The cluster can generate SNMP traps based on configuration file changes
D.The cluster can be monitored via SNMP
E.The file system can be browsed via SNMP
Answer:B D
Isilon examen 200-045 examen 200-045 200-045 examen 200-045 examen
NO.5 You have a three node cluster. The AutoBalance phase of the restriper is running. A disk drive fails.
Which of the following best describes the cluster's response to this failure? (Choose 1)
A.The AutoBalance phase of the restriper completes. Once AutoBalance is finished, the FlexProtect
phase of the restriper runs to repair data from the disk failure.
B.The AutoBalance phase of the restriper is cancelled. The Collect phase of the restriper runs to repair
data from the disk failure. After Collect completes, AutoBalance is start.
C.Since the AutoBalance phase of the restriper is already running, it will repair data from the disk failure.
D.The AutoBalance phase of the restriper is cancelled. The FlexProtect phase of the restriper runs to
repair data from the disk failure. After FlexProtect completes, AutoBalance is started
Isilon examen 200-045 certification 200-045 200-045 examen 200-045 examen 200-045
NO.6 You have a cluster with the SnapshotIQ module licensed. The ability for users to view and access the
".snapshot" directories can be controlled per protocol. (True/False)
Isilon examen 200-045 examen 200-045 examen
NO.7 Which command line tool is used to manage replacing a failed disk drive? (Choose 1)
A.The "isi devices" tool
B.No command line tool is used - replaced drives are detected automatically by the node.
C.The "isi config" tool
D.The "isi disks" tool
Isilon examen certification 200-045 200-045 200-045
NO.8 SnapShotIQ is configured with default settings. You take a one-time snapshot called "test" of the
"/ifs/data" directory. In which of the following ways can you access this snapshot? (Choose 2)
A.Via the "/ifs/.snapshot/test" directory
B.Via the "/snapshots/data" directory
C.Via the "/ifs/data/.snapshot/test" directory
D.Via the "/ifs/data/copies" directory
Answer:A C
Isilon certification 200-045 certification 200-045 certification 200-045 certification 200-045
NO.9 You have a three node cluster with SmartConnect configured. Which of the following is a correct
statement in regard to the SmartConnect virtual IP? (Choose 1)
A.The SmartConnect virtual IP is active on the highest-numbered node of the cluster. If that node fails, the
virtual IP will move to node 1.
B.The SmartConnect virtual IP is active on node 1. If node 1 fails, the virtual IP will move to node 2.
C.The SmartConnect virtual IP is active on all nodes of the cluster.
D.The SmartConnect virtual IP moves dynamically between nodes of the cluster based on node
Isilon 200-045 200-045 200-045 200-045
NO.10 Which of the following commands can be used to view the status of restripe operations? (Choose 2)
A."isi status"
B."isi config"
C."restripe status"
D."isi restripe"
Answer:A D
certification Isilon certification 200-045 200-045 examen
NO.11 You have a three node cluster. One node fails, and is in a "DOWN" state. How will the restriper
respond to this situation? (Choose 1)
A.The FlexProtect phase of the restriper will start automatically
B.The AutoBalance phase of the restriper will start automatically
C.The Collect phase of the restriper will start automatically
D.No phase of the restriper will start automatically
Isilon certification 200-045 200-045 certification 200-045 200-045 examen
NO.12 Which of the following methods can be used to verify connectivity to a LDAP directory server? (Choose
A.From the command line of a node, use the "ldapsearch" utility.
B.From the command line of a node, enter "isi ldap config". Pick menu option 3 "Check server
C.From the WebAdmin of a node, go to "File System" / "Directory Services" / "LDAP Services". Click
"Check server connectivity"
D.From the command line of a node, enter "isi_ldap_check".
Isilon examen 200-045 certification 200-045 200-045 examen 200-045
NO.13 Which of the following commands can be used to start the FlexProtect phase of the restriper? (Choose
A.Enter "isi config", then "flexprotect start"
B.Enter "isi config", then "restripe start flexprotect"
C."isi restripe start flexprotect"
D."isi flexprotect start"
Isilon 200-045 200-045
NO.14 Which of the following statements about SmartConnect Advanced is NOT correct? (Choose 1)
A.SmartConnect supports CIFS failover
B.SmartConnect supports NFS failover
C.SmartConnect allows individual nodes to be included or excluded from zones
D.SmartConnect is based on standard DNS
Isilon 200-045 examen 200-045 200-045 200-045 examen
NO.15 Which of the following best describes OneFS's NIC redundancy feature? (Choose 1)
A.NIC redundancy allows dynamic IP routing to occur between default gateways accessible via the
External-1 and External-2 networks.
B.NIC redundancy allows External-1 and External-2 to be aggregated into one logical link, so that either
NIC can fail without interrupting external network access.
C.NIC redundancy allows External-1 and External-2 to be utilized in an Active/Passive failover mode.
D.NIC redundancy allows clients to connect to the same file sharing protocols via either External-1 or
Isilon examen 200-045 200-045 200-045 examen
NO.16 You have a three node IQ 3000 cluster. How many phases of the restriper can be active at one time?
(Choose 1)
A.Three phases of the restriper can be active at one time.
B.Only one phase of the restriper can be active at one time.
C.Six phases of the restriper can be active at one time.
D.Nine phases of the restriper can be active at one time
certification Isilon certification 200-045 200-045 examen
NO.17 You have a three node cluster configured with +1, and are preparing to add a fourth node. Which of the
following describes the impact of adding the fourth node in regard to file striping? (Choose 1)
A.Files were striped 2+1 with three nodes, and will now be striped 3+1 with four nodes.
B.Files were striped 2+1 with three nodes, and will now be striped 2+1 with four nodes.
C.There is no impact to file striping for existing data, but new data will be striped 3+1
D.Files were striped 2+1 with three nodes, and will now be striped 2+2 with four nodes.
Isilon examen 200-045 200-045 200-045 examen 200-045 200-045
NO.18 You have a five node IQ 1920 cluster protected with +1. How many nodes of the cluster have to be up
in order for OneFS to allow writes to the file system? (Choose 1)
A.At least four nodes must be up
B.At least two nodes must be up
C.At least three nodes must be up
D.All five nodes must be up
certification Isilon 200-045 200-045 examen 200-045 examen 200-045 examen 200-045
NO.19 Which of the following nodes has the highest ratio of performance per TB of storage? (Choose 1)
A.IQ 3000
B.IQ 6000
C.IQ 1920
D.EX 6000
Isilon examen certification 200-045 certification 200-045 200-045 200-045 examen
NO.20 The client workstations on your network are configured to use DNS server, which is
authoritative for the domain "". You would like to configure SmartConnect with a zone named
"". Your SmartConnect virtual IP is Which of the following statements is
most accurate in regard to DNS and SmartConnect? (Choose 1)
A.The DNS server must be configured with a delegation (NS) record delegating
"" to the SmartConnect virtual IP
B.The DNS server must be configured with a host (A) record resolving "" to
the SmartConnect virtual IP
C.In order to utilize SmartConnect, the client workstations must be configured to use as
their DNS server.
D.The SmartConnect service must be configured to use as its DNS server
Isilon certification 200-045 200-045 certification 200-045 200-045
Il y a nombreux façons à vous aider à réussir le test Isilon 200-045. Le bon choix est l'assurance du succès. Pass4Test peut vous offrir le bon outil de formation, lequel est une documentation de qualité. La Q&A de test Isilon 200-045 est recherchée par les experts selon le résumé du test réel. Donc l'outil de formation est de qualité et aussi autorisé, votre succès du test Isilon 200-045 peut bien assuré. Nous allons mettre le jour successivement juste pour répondre les demandes de tous candidats.